blogging, christmas and a new year

December 31 2006:

Any one who has stumbled across this blog will have pretty quickly realised a couple of things – (1) I haven’t posted all that often (although in my defence – 2006 was a vast improvement over the previous year), and (2) I am pretty new at blogging. In 2007 I resolve to address the first by attempting to post my observations more often and to address the second by incorporating more features (those common to the blogs I enjoy).

Christmas in our house was, oddly, a little less hectic than last year. While the older boy made out like a bandit (relative of course – since my memories of ‘looting’ from christmases way past seemed to involve quite a bit less loot for me) we did tone it down just a bit, partly as a way of managing expectations for future toy blitzes, and partly because by the time Christmas rolled along this year, we were exhausted. I am sure this will simply be a ‘brief’ respite as in future years with two growing boys the desires for the latest shiny toy will not diminish.
